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Justin Corleone
Justin Corleone

Counseling Psychotherapy Theories: In Context...

  • GET TO KNOW THE ORIGINS, DEVELOPMENT, AND KEY FIGURES OF EACH MAJOR COUNSELING THEORY This comprehensive text covers all the major theories in counseling and psychotherapy along with an emphasis on how to use these theoretical models in clinical practice. The authors cover the history, key figures, research base, multicultural implications, and practical applications of the following theoretical perspectives: Psychoanalytic, Individual/Adlerian, Existential, Gestalt, Person- Centered, Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, Feminist, Constructive, Family Systems, Multicultural, and Eclectic/Integrative. This text has case examples that bring each theory to life. The entire book has been updated with the latest research and techniques. Pedagogical features include learner objectives, "Putting It in Practice" boxes, questions for reflection, case examples and treatment planning, and chapter summaries. Every theory is examined from cultural, gender/sexual, and spiritual perspectives. The instructor supplement package includes a Respondus test bank, chapter outlines, supplemental lecture ideas, classroom activities, and PowerPoint slides. It also includes video demonstrations corresponding to every major theory and linked to each chapter's contents. In addition, a WPLS course will be available after publication. Expanded video elements closely tied to sections of the text

  • New visuals, including graphics, charts, and tables to facilitate student understanding of theories and how they relate to one another

  • Increased coverage of multicultural and ethical issues in every chapter

  • Cultural, gender, sexuality, and spiritual issues are integrated into every chapter

The Sommers-Flanagan's hands-on, practical approach emphasizes how students and practitioners can apply these theories in real-world practice. Students are empowered to develop theoretically-sound and evidence-based approaches to conducting counseling and psychotherapy. Related Resources Instructor View Instructor Companion Site

counseling psychotherapy theories: in context...


GET TO KNOW THE ORIGINS, DEVELOPMENT, AND KEY FIGURES OF EACH MAJOR COUNSELING THEORYThis comprehensive text covers all the major theories in counseling and psychotherapy along with an emphasis on how to use these theoretical models in clinical practice. The authors cover the history, key figures, research base, multicultural implications, and practical applications of the following theoretical perspectives: Psychoanalytic, Individual/Adlerian, Existential, Gestalt, Person- Centered, Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, Feminist, Constructive, Family Systems, Multicultural, and Eclectic/Integrative. This text has case examples that bring each theory to life.The entire book has been updated with the latest research and techniques. Pedagogical features include learner objectives, "Putting It in Practice" boxes, questions for reflection, case examples and treatment planning, and chapter summaries. Every theory is examined from cultural, gender/sexual, and spiritual perspectives. The instructor supplement package includes a Respondus test bank, chapter outlines, supplemental lecture ideas, classroom activities, and PowerPoint slides. It also includes video demonstrations corresponding to every major theory and linked to each chapter's contents. In addition, a WPLS course will be available after publication.Expanded video elements closely tied to sections of the textNew visuals, including graphics, charts, and tables to facilitate student understanding of theories and how they relate to one anotherIncreased coverage of multicultural and ethical issues in every chapterCultural, gender, sexuality, and spiritual issues are integrated into every chapterThe Sommers-Flanagan's hands-on, practical approach emphasizes how students and practitioners can apply these theories in real-world practice. Students are empowered to develop theoretically-sound and evidence-based approaches to conducting counseling and psychotherapyAbout the AuthorJOHN SOMMERS-FLANAGAN, PHD, is a clinical psychologist and professor of counselor education at the University of Montana. He is a long-time member of both the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Psychological Association (APA).RITA SOMMERS-FLANAGAN, PHD, is professor emeritus at the University of Montana. As a clinical psychologist, she has worked with youth, families, couples, and women for many years.

  • EXPAND AND REINFORCE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY THEORIES This supplementary resource to Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice, Second Edition will further deepen your understanding of three key components of counseling and psychotherapy theory and practice: self-awareness, knowledge, and application and skill development. This Study Guide offers: A pre-test and post-test in each chapter that will orient you to key theoretical principles and evaluate how well those principles fit with your values and beliefs

  • An opening and closing professional development essay written by a student, practitioner, or faculty member who is active within the counseling or psychology professions

  • Multiple-choice practice tests for each chapter to reinforce important theories and concepts

  • A comprehensive short-answer question review for each chapter

  • Practice activities designed to help students experience and practice implementation of each theory

  • Critical reflections on each theory

  • Crossword puzzles to keep learning fun

  • A glossary of key terms for each chapter

Instructor Site: Student Resource Site: About the Author

"An informative and easy-to-read introduction distinguishes psychotherapy from counseling and expounds on the important role of theory in the field today. With over 1200 pages, this two-volume source... will undoubtedly prove useful for students in graduate or undergraduate psychology courses and counseling education programs... Also included is a chronology to help readers place each theory in a historical context; this is extremely useful for beginning professionals and students in their first years of study to assist in setting the backdrop for the evolution of psychotherapy theories... This title is highly recommended."

Psychologists trained in the tradition of the medical model mayfind themselves dismayed at some post-modern theorists' rejection oftraditional theoretical foundations. The paradigm shift to post-modernthought represents a truly admirable and welcome change from aproblem-focused to a strengths-based model that can be embraced by all whowork in the mental health fields. However, as is generally the case withparadigm shifts (Kuhn, 1962), there is a revolution in progress and someprofessionals feel there is a risk of throwing out the babies with thebathwater (Becvar & Becvar, 2003). The specific thesis of this paper isto assert that traditional forms of counseling and psychotherapy may beintegrated within post-modern theoretical models.

Newer forms of counseling and psychotherapy are based on the shiftto postmodern theoretical models and constructivist thinking. Constructivismhas been defined as the process by which individuals develop their personalknowledge about reality, and in so doing, create their own reality (Becvar& Becvar, 2003). A social constructivist model is based on the assertionthat the mutual or shared meaning making between counselor and client isexpressed through a system of language (Becvar & Becvar, 2003). Thus,counseling or psychotherapy consists of shared meaning-making, or the processby which the client's story and worldview is heard and understood by ahelping professional. The process involves mutual deconstruction andreconstruction of meanings that were initially developed in adaptive responseto the environment but no longer serve an adaptive function (Russo, 2005).Post-modern therapies such as Developmental Counseling and Therapy (DCT;Ivey, 1999) and brief, solution focused techniques (O'Hanlon &Beadle, 1997) are derived from constructivist theory and focus ondevelopmental levels, positive assets, and personal strengths rather than onproblems and symptoms. In a similar vein, positive psychology focuses onpositive emotions and character rather than on negative emotions anddisorders (Seligman, Steen, Park, & Peterson, 2005). We will return tothe concepts of post-modern therapies and positive psychology after a reviewof traditional theories as viewed from a constructivist perspective, followedby a discussion of the role of the medical model in current healthcarepractices.

Traditional theories of counseling and psychotherapy have been inexistence since the 1920s and include Freud's (1920) psychoanalysis andRogers' (1951) humanistic theory and client-centered therapy. Morerecent developments include Glasser's reality therapy (1965) which wasextended to choice theory (1998), and Ellis' rational-emotive therapy(Ellis & Harper, 1975). These models focus on the individual and variousproblems experienced from within the client. Psychoanalytic theory focuses onthe individual through innate drives and defense mechanisms related toanxiety and the control thereof, while humanistic theory is based on astriving to meet inner needs and to accomplish self-actualization. Realitytherapists seek to assist the individual in making choices to meet needs in asocially appropriate manner, and cognitive-behavioral and rational-emotivetherapists seek to correct irrational thinking. The aforementionedtraditional theories all focus on the individual and the problems encounteredin daily living.

Clearly, traditional forms of counseling and psychotherapy areamenable to functioning within the post-modern constructivist perspective.However, traditional theoretical bases for the helping professions do focuson individual concerns and utilize a problem-focused perspective. As such,the fields of counseling and psychotherapy have traditionally been dominatedby the medical model resulting in the labeling of human concerns asdiagnoses, thus categorizing individuals in this manner. 041b061a72




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