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Justin Corleone
Justin Corleone

Arcgis Viewer For Flex Download ((LINK))

This configurable application can be downloaded and set up in a matter of minutes and includes many core GIS mapping functionalities: data display, map navigation, query and search, simple markup, printing, and data editing. The viewer's look and feel, analytic capabilities, and data content can be customized to specific business needs without writing a single line of code. If you have ArcGIS Server and want to quickly and easily create powerful web mapping applications, this is the product for you.

arcgis viewer for flex download


Widgets define the viewer's appearance and functionality. The viewer application comes with 20 widgets that provide many core GIS mapping functionalities. These widgets can be used in various combinations to create different, focused web mapping solutions. In addition, an online gallery of developer sample widgets contributed by the viewer user community and developer sample widgets provided by Esri staff and users is available in the code gallery of the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex section of the ArcGIS Resource Center. All widgets can be downloaded for free and used in viewer applications. As more people use the viewer, the number of widgets in this library will continue to increase.

The ArcGIS Viewer for Flex application and its source code are available as free downloads for existing ArcGIS Server users. This configurable client application is provided at no cost. It is frequently updated to support the latest ArcGIS Server capabilities and is fully supported by Esri. Users can call Esri Support and get technical assistance with the viewer when needed.

I am currently trying to configure a map service with flexviewer 3.6 on ArcServer 10.2. I have already published my .mxd file as a map service and it displays correctly in my flexviewer application. Now I want to use the extract data widget to download specified feature layers. The widget works fine and it downloads the .zip file, but it does not contain any data. Did I configured my map service correctly or what's the underlying problem?

ArcGIS Flex API has already retired, and that's why you can't the download link from Esri page. If you still want to find one online, you can try to google "arcgis_api_for_flex_3_7" to see if there is any result.




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